Traverse Logistics
The worlds most powerful, scaleable, and complete solution to International Transportation of Goods and Personell

Development and business knowledge that rivals none

Our Founders are multifacetted in the ways of finance, banking, brokering, manufacturing, and computer technology. We are a company that believes in trustless and seemless technology so that even in the wake of disaster within the supply chain, your data is safe and the structure remains true.
Traverse Logistics is a product of TriTech Solutions and aims to be the pinacle of traversial movement and logging. Not only do we strive to relieve the headache of data and shipment flow, but also reaching other sectors that need reliable supply chain and sensitive data transmission.
We are a Technology Company that values security, ease of use, and integrity of data within the logistics world. With this project we aim to standardize data gathering even among the most specialized transportational methods.