Traverse Logistics
The worlds most powerful, scaleable, and complete solution to International Transportation of Goods and Personell
  1. Secure
    By implementing this software as a Blockchain, information logged is fully encrypted and visible to only those the company has given access to.
  2. Instant
    Our technology allows immediate updates and data logging from anywhere, anytime, and without the risk of falsification.
  3. Trustless
    Every shipment instruction set that is logged into our system makes sure that the rules are followed. Get notified immediately of any diversions or delays.
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Instant Data in the Digital Age

Shipment schedules and situational awareness are the lifeblood of the Logistics Sector of business. Being able to ensure that products arrive on time with the integrity preserved is vital to a multitude of products being transported. Ensuring temperature, location, and route maintenance are all things that must be constantly monitored to ensure that the shipment arrives as promised and is not ruined/rotten/etc. Our Technology allows for this and much more.
This is traditionally how data would reach the Logistics company, however the blockchain allows for a much more direct transmission, encryption, and instantaneousfeedback.

Store information on the worlds most secure server.

Data is lost everyday due to hackers, virus's, hardware failures, and other unfortunate circumstances. Blockchain helps us eliminate all of those threats with its encryption and data transmitting protocols. Every character of data logged into our blockchain is completely secured and can NOT be deleted. And, with each shipment being registered on the chain as a Smart Contract, there are no longer any uncertainties of where, or what the shipment is.
With Blockchain, it is easy to integrate and enhance previous applications and streamline the process with our Smart Contract Technology

Get Access Any Time, Anywhere

Our Aplication is constantly providing data to the Traverse's Blockchain. Any device that has internet access has the ability to download our application, however to use it a company first must register and be given Node-Level access to be able to fully use the features within. With this technology being application based, it provides mobility and interchangeability with operators during the shipment process. Operators are Logged onto the blockchain and are given a unique ID
Business works across all devices, shouldn't the supply chain of yours do the same?
Who will Use This Technology and How can it be used by other Industries
We have made a sandbox system that can uniquely conform to any transportational need.* We are debuting Traverse as a problem solver for the classic issues that present themselves within the trucking, air shipping, nautical transport, and intercity small transport business. This is not only for companies built on logistics, but also those companies that have logistical departments such as a company owned short distance delivery system etc. If it travels, we aim to perfect the tracking and logging, in pursuit of companies running as efficiently as possible.
  1. Trucking both International and Domestic
    Track every pickup, take off, fuel up, Weigh Station Checkpoint, and delivery along the way, as well as any hinderence, breakdown, or driver illness so that each second can be accounted for along the way.
  2. Rail Transportation of Goods and Passengers
    Locomotive Sector is vital to maintaining and predicting rail system failures. We anticipate using our Blockchain will allow data across railways to convene; thus prevent derailments. This is possible by conductors being able to provide information they gather while on the rails and eliminates the possibility of crucial data being looked over.
  3. Nautical Freighting, Cruise's, and Short Distance Ferrying
    From international freight carriers to small ferries for local towns, our blockchain is for you. Track each ticket, passenger confirmation, freight confirmation, and log any weather report, customs delay, or maintenance for the entirety of the vessel.
  4. Taxi Services
    With major metropolitan areas being a hub for transporting people within the congested innerworkings, it is necessary to keep all data logged and seemless with our system running each route to ensure that no free rides, and maintenance logs to vehicles are being kept.
  5. Air Transport of Both Cargo and Passengers
    We add an extra layer of security to existing systems within the aerospace. We are currently developing what we believe to be the future of Air Logistics. However for now data will have the ability to be logged onto the most secure server in the world until the debut of our Air Specific Software.